10 Best Summer Swag Ideas for Employees

10 Best Summer Swag Ideas for Employees — F.A.Q. for Companies

Summer is the perfect season to give employee swag. With employees spending more time outdoors and engaging in recreational activities, it’s easy to find summer swag ideas that your employees will actually love and use. We’re going to share 10 of the best swag ideas for employees. But first, let’s talk about why swag is…


How to Care for Your Custom Socks

During a typical day, you are constantly applying pressure and friction to the soles of your feet. Whether you’re walking, running, or jumping you are inevitably going to put a lot of wear and tear on your socks. If you’ve just received a new pair of custom socks from Customsocks.io, or you’re just wondering how…

How to care for your Custom Socks
Why Custom Socks are the Perfect Tradeshow Swag

Why Custom Socks are the Perfect Trade show Swag

If you’ve ever been to a tradeshow before you know how important it is to have some cool giveaways to hand out. Tradeshow swag brings more people to your booth and helps prospects remember you after the show is over. While many companies hand out boring items like pens and notepads, if you really want…
