Verbs are an essential part of the English language, and they are crucial to communication. They can be tricky, especially when it comes to verb agreement. Verb agreement refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb. In simpler terms, it`s the process of matching the verb with the subject of the sentence. For class 7 students, understanding verb agreement is a crucial step in developing their English language skills.

Types of Verb Agreement

There are three types of verb agreement: singular, plural, and irregular. Singular verbs are used when the subject of the sentence is singular, such as “I am” or “he walks.” Plural verbs are used when the subject of the sentence is plural, such as “they are” or “we sing.” Irregular verbs don`t follow any set rules, such as “has,” “were,” or “have.”

Examples of Verb Agreement

1. Singular subject, singular verb

John runs every morning.

2. Plural subject, plural verb

The dogs bark loudly.

3. Singular subject, plural verb

This is a common error. It is incorrect to say “John and Sarah is going to the store.” Corrected to “John and Sarah are going to the store.”

4. Indefinite pronouns, singular or plural verb

Indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “anyone,” “someone,” etc. are singular, and they should be paired with a singular verb. For example, “Everyone loves cake.”

Tips for Understanding Verb Agreement

1. Identify the subject of the sentence. The verb needs to agree with the subject, whether it is singular or plural.

2. Pay attention to indefinite pronouns. These pronouns can be confusing, so it`s important to remember that they are singular and need a singular verb.

3. Be aware of the exceptions. Irregular verbs don`t follow any set rules, so they require special attention.

4. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the more you`ll understand verb agreement.

In conclusion, verb agreement is an important aspect of the English language that class 7 students must understand. By following the tips outlined in this article, they can master the skill and develop their language skills. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing, and you`ll become a master of verb agreement in no time!